Support the Show

Every episode of Standard Docking Procedure is a labor of love, as well as actual labor. It takes a fair deal of work spread across many people to bring new adventures aboard Pseduopolis Station to your podcatchers. With your help, we can keep the giant fidget spinners promenades turning! 

Support the show on Patreon!

After a wonderful 89% funded IndieGoGo campaign we’ve begun production on the first four episodes of the series! Going forward the plan is to build enough of a support base on the show’s Patreon account to be able to afford monthly episode releases until the end of the first season’s 8 to 10 episodes.

In addition to getting early access to episodes before the public feed, patrons get to hear blooper reel, an exclusive behind-the-scenes podcast, and get access to the show’s Discord server!

If you’d like to support the show without monetary commitment, feel free to share the Twitter account and this site with friends who might like the show! Word of mouth helps a heck of a lot!